About us

About us

Att craftt, we see things a bit differently.

We envision a better world ahead where we prioritize quality over quantity, craftsmanship over scale.

We believe in a smarter approach that honors the hard work and entrepreneurial spirit of smaller breweries, giving them the recognition they deserve.

We advocate for using available technologies to simplify processes, increase convenience, and minimize environmental impact. We imagine a future where time slows down just a bit, allowing for meaningful connections with friends, both old and new.

While we acknowledge the abundance and immediacy of the world we live in today, we also recognize that certain aspects of this "nowism" are broken and beyond repair. craftt aims to contribute to a better model—one that supports the underdogs, the real people, and is less harsh on our surroundings.

Founded by Iain Wise, a Swiss-born Anglo Scot with extensive experience in the hospitality and beverage sectors, craftt's journey began over 15 years ago. Through the highs and lows, we've learned valuable lessons that have brought us to where we are today. These experiences are not just part of life; they define it and make it worth living. This is only the beginning, and we're thrilled to embark on this journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read about us. craftt is a small project with big dreams. We invite you to follow us, join us, and help us share this dream with the world